Why IRAs and Real Estate Investments are Great for Retirement

 |  Investing in Real Estate
real estate investments

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage

Have you heard those stories where people who put a lot of their retirement money into investments without using a Self-Directed IRA ended up losing a significant chunk of their assets following shaky economic times?

Shortly after the 2008 economic crisis, there were an abundance of these types of stories. Looking back, one can only blame the inflexibility of traditional IRAs as one of the reasons why many IRA investments lost their value during that period.

With Self-Directed IRAs, you won’t have to struggle with these risks and uncertainties anymore. Here are 3 reasons why a Self-Directed IRA and real estate investments are a great fit for retirement.

1. Real estate assets will always have value despite the prevailing economic situation. A house will always remain a house, and while it may lose value, it will never fall to zero. For retirement, you want these types of assets, which can retain a significant chunk of your initial investment even during economic downturns.

2. Real estate investments are immediately usable even when you don’t liquidate the property. You can live in or rent out the properties you bought using a Self-Directed IRA and it will find value and use in these situations. Unlike stocks where you need to liquidate to recoup your investment, a real estate investment can begin making money outright.

3. Real estate will always be a hot commodity if you find the right buyer. You may not need to liquidate the property to realize the returns but this doesn’t mean the right opportunity won’t come along. If you choose your investments wisely, you will have buyers lining up to buy your property assets. Hot properties sell like pancakes and you want those types of investments to make sure your Self-Directed IRA funds your retirement plan.

For more information on how you can discover your IRA investing alternatives, contact our team at (866) 459-4590 or ClientService@VantageIRAs.com.