The Benefits of Self-Directed IRAs

 |  General Self-Directed IRAs
Self-Directed IRA

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage

According to recent IRA statistics, only 2% of all IRA assets are in the form of a Self-Directed IRA. Given that traditional IRAs have several limitations that restrict investors from making sound investment decisions, it is well worth asking why many have yet to take advantage of the benefits of Self-Directed IRAs.

This post lists 3 of the most critical Self-Directed IRA benefits to show investors why a Self-Directed IRA is superior to other forms of individual retirement accounts.

1. Freedom and flexibility. Only a Self-Directed IRA enables investors to make decisions on which assets that IRA can be invested in. Traditional IRAs lack this dynamism and flexibility, preventing investors from taking advantage of profitable markets outside their IRA’s scope.

2. More opportunities for promising returns. Certain investments like real estate and precious metals retain their value despite challenging economic conditions and, in fact, continue to grow when most other investment instruments have weakened. The dynamism and flexibility of a Self-Directed IRA allow access to these investment opportunities to maximize growth and profitability.

 3. Tax breaks. While tax breaks are true of all IRAs, the higher profitability of Self-Directed IRAs amplifies the tax benefits considerably. Now, you can invest in a thriving market and avail yourself of attractive tax breaks so you can maximize your retirement savings today.

For more information on how you can discover your IRA investing alternatives, contact our team at (866) 459-4590 or