Restriction-Free Alternative IRA Investing

 |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage

What Restrictions Do You Have?

To maximize your physical wellbeing, you evaluate what food or items you are consuming, which may harm your body.  Do you have food sensitivities, allergies, etc.?  If, after evaluation, you learn “for your body,” it’s best to eat gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb, or plant-based…you have a choice to make.  Do I consume the things which are best suited for my individual body, or do I ignore them because it is easier to do so, or am I in the habit of eating what I like and enjoy?  Again, if your goals are to maximize your physical health, feel and look great and live a long life, then the choice should be easy, right?  Well, it isn’t.  Better stated, the right choice is easy to identify, but the action which must be taken to achieve your goals is hard.

Maximizing your financial wellbeing is no different.

Throughout my 21 years financial career, I have learned that I’m allergic and have a high sensitivity to traditional stock market investing.  I stopped consuming Wall Street-based and marketed products fifteen years ago and have never felt better.  It wasn’t always like this for me.  As a Financial Planner, I started my career with high confidence that traditional investing was the “right way” to invest for myself and my clients.  Given my continuous learning and experience, however, I feel like I evolved.  My opinion and belief system changed.  Looking back, it’s like my eating methods in my 20s.  Eating late-night cheeseburgers and carne asada burritos seemed totally normal back then.  In my 40s, a different understanding of those foods’ effect on my overall health encourages me to avoid them.

Have you determined which investments feel right for your retirement portfolio?

Have you evaluated what type of retirement investing strategies you are allergic or sensitive to?  At Vantage, we have always believed that Money is Personal®.  Therefore, if you feel investing in alternative assets beyond the stock market is the best thing for your financial health, you must own an IRA restriction-free.  An account that enables you the freedom to make a choice to consume investments that make you feel comfortable and that you are confident will help you achieve your retirement goals.  A Vantage Self-Directed IRA does just that.  Just like vegans or gluten-free eaters need to find restaurants and stores that offer foods prepared to their specifications, Vantage is the company that provides retirement accounts for investors whose appetite includes alternative assets.  If you and your friends fit that category, we are here to serve you.

Happy and healthy investing!


For more information on how you can discover your IRA investing alternatives contact us

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