Introducing The New Vantage iRA5

 |  General Self-Directed IRAs
new ira

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage

What? You haven’t heard of this device before? I am not surprised. Most game changing tools are kept from us far too long by the parties who would be negatively affected by our knowledge of the tool’s existence.

No, this is not a Smart Phone. It is a Smart IRA. It is intended for investors who value something different. Something they can personalize and make their own; something that allows them to express themselves financially. What does the Vantage iRA5 offer that’s different from your current IRA? A virtually unlimited list of alternative investment choices that allows you to customize your retirement portfolio’s applications and maximize its tax advantageous prowess. Let me guess – you feel a sense of comfort with your current “StockBerry” IRA. You’ve been using it for years and although it keeps dropping in value, you resist making the switch because it represents change and you don’t like change. Your life is busy enough, right? You feel like you don’t have the time to learn about the iRA5’s features and benefits. The fact that the major IRA carriers don’t offer it only reinforces your resistance to making the switch.

As with most revolutionary movements, it takes time for the masses to gain the courage to break away from the status quo. There is comfort in numbers and until ‘the herd’ is on board with the new device, the reality is that most people are perfectly content with sticking to what they have, even if they are unhappy with its performance. Seven years ago, Blackberries ruled the world of mobile devices. Now they are practically obsolete and those who still use them serve as the punch lines of their friends’, co-workers’, and family members’ jokes. The Apple iPhone promised something different and it took years before the world took notice.

Today, however, the people camping out in front of Apple Stores across the nation in anticipation of the newest iPhone5 launch make cover stories in every media outlet on a global scale. The only news coming out about RIM’s Blackberry is the fast resignation of its executives and predictions of how long it will take for the company to go belly up. That’s an amazing shift in a very short period of time! As surprising as it may seem, it makes total sense. Why? Because when a device delivers on its promise of making our lives better while providing a user experience that is personal and simple, it creates fanatical advocates of its users who can’t stop sharing their satisfaction with anyone who will listen.

I am confident the Self-Directed IRA industry is on the verge of a similar tipping point, and that Vantage is the “Apple” of IRA companies. We are investing in the infrastructure, technology, and people required to be the leader of this movement. With the Holiday Season rapidly approaching, investors all over the country are eager to not just learn what the new Vantage iRA5 offers, but to also contemplate if having a Smart IRA that puts investment control and freedom at their fingertips validates making the switch from their StockBerry once and for all. A commonly heard Apple iPhone user statement is “I kick myself for not converting sooner. I can’t image having any other phone.” Vantage IRA clients feel the same way.

Join the iRA5 movement today! And if you already have a Vantage iRA5, please keep sharing your wonderful experience with everyone you encounter. Happy Investing!