Financial Freedom is About the Power of Choice

 |  General Self-Directed IRAs
financial freedom

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage

I love July.  Not only is it the month of my birthday, but the good ol’ U.S. of A. celebrates her birthday as well.  Summertime puts most of us in a better mood.  The kids are out of school, vacations are planned and best of all, we get to celebrate our country’s greatest benefit…freedom!

Financial freedom is about the power of choice.

Choosing your purpose, your destiny and your direction in life without anybody interfering.  Wars are fought to defend freedom or to demand it.  It is human nature to desire more choices. Choices make things personal.

Ironically, some dread this level of independence and personal responsibility.  Maybe for fear of failure and fear of personal accountability.  “What if I make a mistake? What if I make the wrong choice?  What if I don’t have anyone else to blame for the results of my choice?”  This negative mindset can hold you captive and prevent you from advancing toward your goals.

This is not the mindset of the self-directed investor.  We embrace choices, personal ownership and taking control of our financial destiny.  If mistakes are made, we prefer to be the ones to make them since we are the ones that will pay the consequences.  When I learned the truth about the Self-Directed IRA in 2003, I knew these accounts were for me.

I love having investment control.  I love personalizing my portfolio.  I love having virtually unlimited choices and flexibility with my money.  I encourage you to take control.  Let’s celebrate the freedom of choice in your quest for financial independence this July!

Set Your IRA Free® and open a Vantage Self-Directed IRA!