Embrace Your Financial Curiosity

 |  General Self-Directed IRAs
Embrace Your Financial Curiosity

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage

When I’m asked “what is the most important financial habit one must possess to be successful with money?” my answer is “embrace your financial curiosity.” It’s true though. Financial independence is obtained when you have asked yourself all the right questions and have been disciplined enough to seek the right answers for yourself. Everyone’s financial journey is different, it’s personal. So in order to solve your financial situation, you have to know yourself to the point that you eventually find solutions that feel comfortable to you.

Most investors mistakenly believe that their financial path has a start date and an end date (i.e. retirement age). That is completely incorrect. You are never “done” evaluating the best way to manage your finances and if you are doing it right, you are also working on structuring things properly for your next generation’s financial life. It is financial curiosity that helps you get there. Ask yourself more questions like, “what else can I do to minimize my taxes?”, “where can I shave some monthly expenses so I can save more money?,” “should I increase my IRA’s diversity by directing some money into real estate and get out of volatile stocks I know nothing about?”

I have helped thousands of investors over my 17 year financial career and the truth is that no one has the secret recipe on how to build wealth. They can’t do it any faster than you, any better than you and they are not any smarter than you. Successful investors have simply taken the time to ask questions and diligently search for the right answers. I encourage you to do the same and embrace your financial curiosity. The answers to your financial solutions are within you and your Self-Directed IRA is the best investment vehicle to help you on your journey.

Happy Investing!