General Self-Directed IRAs

How to Buy Real Estate with your Self-Directed IRA

Interested in using your Self-Directed IRA to invest in real estate? There are several reasons why this is the most popular asset class among Vantage clients. One reason is the ease at which you can purchase real estate. Another is the number of payment structures available for making that purchase. In this VBytes episode, J.P. walks through the different payment…

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Refer a Friend Perks

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

Not all friends come with benefits, but the ones you refer to Vantage who open new accounts do. In turn, you become a friend who delivers benefits. Remember when you first heard about Self-Directed IRAs? And when you opened your Vantage account? You probably felt empowered. In control of your retirement money. And grateful to the person who introduced you…

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Job Change? Don’t Forget Your 401(k)

When you have a “triggering event,” such as leaving your job, you can make changes to your employer-sponsored 401(k) plan. Because this is YOUR hard-earned money, you want to make sure you understand what you can do with it. Which leads us to your four main options: Leave your 401(k) with your previous employer Roll your 401(k) into your new…

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What Kind of Investor are You?

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO Money is Personal.™ And there isn’t a more personalized retirement investing vehicle than a Self-Directed IRA. Every individual investor has their own unique financial pedigree and approach as to how, why, and what they choose to place their hard-earned retirement savings into. Unfortunately, most financial institutions have led us to believe that it is…

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Guide to 401(k) Rollovers

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

Is Money Causing Stress In Your Life? Most of us desire stability, as it creates a sense of comfort. Yet, in a year that promises more uncertainty, we are faced with managing this stress and insecurity, all during a global pandemic. The lack of control over important things in your life, such as your employment and a steady income, can…

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