General Self-Directed IRAs

Boost Your Retirement Planning with a Self-Directed HSA

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage Most Americans consider a 401(k) or an IRA the best vehicle available for retirement planning.  A Health Savings Account (HSA) may be another flexible option.  Established by the U.S. government in 2003, a HSA offers even more tax advantages than a 401(k) or an IRA when used to cover medical expenses. Similar…

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Volatility, Instability and Loss…Oh My!

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage Everywhere I turn, I hear grumbling about the “volatility in the market.” I turn on CNBC and it is all about how volatility is erasing billions of dollars from investor portfolios. I pick up the Wall Street Journal and see pictures of traders super stressed about the massive daily swings they are…

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I Love Controlling my Money

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage Love is in the air in February.  Valentine’s Day marketing will flood our lives and remind us to reflect upon the people that matter most in our lives.  We are encouraged to purchase gifts and/or plan a special occasion to communicate in some fashion that we love them.  Even though a bouquet…

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Awaken the Force Within You in 2016

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage Yes, I did.  I too am using a Star Wars reference to share my message with you this month.  Kind of hard not to since everywhere I turned this holiday season there were commercials, merchandise and conversations all about Star Wars. Whether or not you saw the latest movie or are even…

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JOBS Act Lower Hurdles to Access to Alternative Investments

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage Historically, investing in startups, private placements or other alternative assets has had its hurdles.  Primarily that only “accredited investors” (those whose net worth exceeds $1 million, excluding their primary residence, or who earn more than $200,000 a year) were allowed to participate.  That will soon be a thing of the past.  The…

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Is Your Need for Instant Satisfaction Hurting or Helping Your Retirement Account?

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage A recent Microsoft survey concluded that people have an attention span of only 8 seconds; a decrease from the previous average of 12 seconds (year 2000).  That is lower than the 9-second attention span of a goldfish!  Our society has become so obsessed with constant content delivered through portable devices, Instagram, Snapchat…

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