JP Dahdah

Have You Outgrown Your Trusted Advisors?

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage 5 questions every investor should ask their team of trusted advisors before hiring them! If you are like most investors, business owners, and entrepreneurs, you don’t want to learn the hard way that you have outgrown your financial advisor, accountant or attorney. One of the frustrating realities of being a Self-Directed investor…

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Ask Yourself These Questions Before You Open a Self-Directed IRA

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage Most investors do not know that alternative investment opportunities exist within an IRA. According to estimates, about 45 million Americans have an IRA, but fewer than 4% of us hold any non-traditional assets. Although more and more people are catching on, before you become a Self-Directed IRA investor, you should ask yourself…

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The Top 4 Advantages of a Self-Directed IRA

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage There are numerous reasons retirees often find themselves in need of extra money during their golden years.  Many do not realize that their IRA is a great way to build wealth, especially when it is a Self-Directed IRA. A Self-Directed IRA offers a financial advantage because: Control – One of the biggest…

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How to Leverage Your Self-Directed IRA Investment

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage Do you want to take advantage of promising investment opportunities but are reluctant to tie up too much cash at one time? How can you get the biggest bang for your buck? People participating in a Self-Directed IRA are aware of critical ways to make their money work harder and legally avoid…

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Where Savvy Self-Directed IRA Investors are Directing Their Money

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage If you’ve been following the news about Self-Directed IRA investors, you know that they take advantage of investment opportunities not available through brokerage IRAs.  Okay, but where, you may wonder, is the smart money being invested? For starters, it’s not mutual funds run by invisible managers or money market funds and CDs…

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March Madness Is Here!!!

 |   |  General Self-Directed IRAs

By J.P. Dahdah, Founder & CEO of Vantage For basketball sports fans, the term March Madness refers to the excitement of the NCAA Division 1 Tournament.  Sixty-four college basketball teams battle it out on the hardwood for the pride and glory of being named National Champions.  For investors, it relates to the stress and panic of organizing your financial affairs…

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